SWMENA data used in research
Sun, April 01, 2012 - 1:10:29

Scholarly Work
- Civic Engagement of Youth in the Middle East and North Africa: An Analysis of Key Drivers and Outcomes, Mercy Corps, 2012. Found here.
- World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development, World Bank, 2012. Found here.
- “Fair Share” in Yemen, Capacity Building for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Women without Boarders and Frauen Ohne Grenzen, 2011. Found here.
- Breaking the Mold: Understanding Gender and Electoral Violence, IFES, Gabrielle Bardall, 2011. Found here.
News Publications
- “MENA Protests Could Help Advance Women’s Rights,” Lauren Serpe, The Global Post, Washington, 2011.
- “Yemenis are Open to Improving Status of Women, but Obstacles to Gender Equality Remain,” States News Service, Cairo, 2010.
- “New IWPR/IFES Survey Reports on Women’s Political, Economic, and Social Status in Morocco,” Business Wire, Rabat, 2010.
- “International NGO Releases Survey Findings on Women’s Political Standing in Lebanon,” States News Service, Beirut, 2010.
- “Young and Unmarried Yemeni Women more likely to Pursue Career and Financial Independence,” Business Wire, Washington, 2010.
- “Women are More Likely to Vote in Spite of Poor Representation,” Dalila Mahdawi, The Daily Star, Lebanon, 2010.
- “Yemeni Women Face Education and Employment Challenges,” Nicole Naurath, Yemen Times, Sana’a, 2010.
- “International NGO Collaborates with Lebanese Groups to Advance Women’s Rights,” Al-Bawaba, Lebanon, 2010.
Latest Updates
- A Rape Case in Tunisia puts the Legal System on Trial
- Women: Another Casualty of Egypt’s Draft Constitution
- Call for Communication to the UN Commission on the Status of Women
- Resources
- SWMENA data used in research
- IFES Releases Data on the Status of Women in Egypt and Tunisia
- SWMENA Conducts Regional Lessons Learned
- SWMENA Featured in Interaction Monday Developments
- IFES Congratulates the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
- Public Opinion Data and Political and Legal Reform Opportunities for Women in Yemen, Morocco and Leb
- New Challenges, Opportunities for Women’s Political Participation in the Middle East
- Women Count
- Infographics Help Advocacy Efforts for Women
- MENA Protests Could Help Advance Women’s Rights
- Popular Protests Pave Way for Women’s Rights in Yemen
- Observing International Women’s Day
- IFES Releases Paper on the Use of Gender Quotas in the Arab World
- Collaborating with Visionaries to Improve the Status of Women in Morocco
- Status of Women in the Middle East and North Africa
- Lobby Training Manuals for Activists